Why Amazon, Zara, and H&M Are Losing Customer Loyalty and Paying a Very Costly Price
Why risk obliterating customer trust for a few dollars? That's the high-stakes gamble that's plaguing the business landscape as companies increasingly implement return fees.
Actualidad del metaverso, ¿una tendencia que ya pasó de moda o una realidad en evolución?
El metaverso que tanto anheló Mark Zuckerberg pasó a un segundo plano con la llegada de la inteligencia artificial generativa, pero no hay que olvidar que existen grandes oportunidades en el mundo virtual.
Justin Bieber pide a sus fans que no compren los productos de H&M con su imagen
El cantante publicó un par de historias afirmando que él no autorizó la mercancía. H&M ya la ha retirado de sus tiendas.
'Don't Buy It': Justin Bieber Slams Retailer for Making 'Trash' Merchandise Without His Permission
The singer is claiming that fast fashion chain H&M created Bieber-themed merchandise without his approval.
Want to Return Clothes? At this Fast Fashion Retailer, It Will Cost You
H&M announced a potential new initiative in an effort to offset costs.
Con inversión en la startup Vestuá, H&M busca impulsar el mercado "second hand" en México
El gigante de la moda H&M invierte en una startup latinoamericana para impulsar la economía circular apoyando el mercado 'second hand'.
Uniqlo cambia su postura y detiene sus operaciones en Rusia
La marca de ropa japonesa se une a una larga lista de empresas que han cesado operaciones en territorio ruso, pese a su postura inicial.
H&M Is Letting Customers Rent Suits for Free for Job Interviews -- Here's What to Expect
The retail giant is making it easier for job applicants to make a great first impression during their interviews.
H&M Collaborates With Designer Sabyasachi For 'Wanderlust' Collection
Through this collaboration, Sabyasachi aims to make his designs more accessible to a larger clientele
Apple All Set To Take A Bigger Bite At India Market, Will Sell Directly Through Online First
As the government eases rules this puts India as a favourable destination for foreign brands like Apple, Ikea, H&M