Innovator Profiles: Page 3


Contently's New $9 Million Crown Proves Content Is King

Contently, a startup transforming the way journalists and marketing companies do business, has raised $9 million in Series B funding.

Business News

LISTEN: Marc Ecko on How to Build a Memorable Brand Like a Billionaire

The fashion pioneer talks about what it takes to grow a successful business and become your own personal version of greatness.

Data & Recovery

Internet Activists Plan Day of Action to Protest Mass Surveillance

Members of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Demand Progress and activists at large will mobilize on Feb. 11 to protest the NSA's surveillance tactics.


10 Thoughts on Tech, Trends and Innovation at CES 2014

From being surrounded by 'Glassholes' to playing pinball and 'self-healing' phones, here is a recap of what the show had to offer.


From Gum to the Grammys: How Artist-Entrepreneur Kenna Bulldozed the Status Quo

Kenna Zemedkun has launched television shows, carved out his own music genre, created new ways of raising money for the issues he cares about and helped overhaul a social networking site.


Why Introverts and Comedians Make Great Leaders

Six overlooked keys to success you may never hear from popular CEOs.

Health & Wellness

The 7 Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2014

These seven innovators are having a major influence on technology, healthcare and the government. We've got our eye on these powerful women. You should, too.


The Fabulously Entrepreneurial Life of Ronnie Biggs

Crime may not pay, but the life of Great Train Robbery player Ronnie Biggs was a study in marketing, ingenuity and branding.


What do Entrepreneurs Oprah, Jack Dorsey and Tim Ferriss Have in Common?

Find out what skill these successful entrepreneurs use to stay balanced and how it can help you with your venture.


Surprise: Beyoncé Drops New Album With No Warning Whatsoever

The stealth release of the singer's fifth album came as a shock, but could signal a change in the future of music promotion.

Business Ideas

The Next Startup Frontier: Mars?

In a matter of years, perhaps your next startup company will be located on the red planet.

Business Ideas

Bringing Silicon Valley's Accelerator Model to the Media Sector

Q&A with Corey Ford, the managing partner of an accelerator that urges startups to rethink journalism.


How Smart Branding Led to Quick Success for Cory Vines

Activewear startup Cory Vines' smart branding allowed for instantaneous success. Here is what you need to know.


Keeping an Eye Out for Social and Mobile Innovations

Bite-size advice from snack-food company marketing veteran Bonin Bough.


What Type of Entrepreneur Are You?

After years of working with entrepreneurs, Rebekah Iliff has the most prominent entrepreneurial types down to a science. See how you stack up.