Inventions: Page 9

Business News

Amazon Launches New Storefront for Shark Tank and Kickstarter Successes

The new offering highlights innovative 'rising star' products from both popular invention hotbeds.

Starting a Business

A 5-Step Reality Check for Inventors

The only easy parts of developing an invention are underestimating the costs and over-estimating the market.

Growing a Business

Beekeeper Invention Sets Record for Most Money Raised on Indiegogo

The Flow Hive honey tap raised $5.3 million on the San Francisco-based crowdfunding platform.

Starting a Business

The Companies That Apply for the Most Patents and Trademarks (Infographic)

Legal startup SmartUp generated this infographic summarizing who is getting patents, where and how long it is taking the application process to complete.


Next Plan for Google Glass? Start Over.

Google's next gen face computer reportedly won't relaunch until it's perfect.

Starting a Business

13 Critical Traits of Successful Inventors

To be successful in the business of your ideas, follow these observations from an industry veteran.

Business Ideas

Don't Let the Fear of Your Idea Being Stolen Hold You Back

Instead, focus your efforts on protecting yourself with these seven strategies.


Can't Sleep? This Coffee Should Do the Trick. (Yes, We Said Coffee.)

Talk about a strange bedtime brew -- java without the buzz.


Jibo, the Personal Robot Startup, Lands $25 Million in Funding

The Cambridge, Mass., Indiegogo darling is another major money step closer to making its 'friendly' family robot a reality.


CocoJet: 3-D Printing and Hershey's Chocolate, Together at Last

Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three. 3D Systems' new Hershey's chocolate printer is really sweet.


This Shopping Cart of the Future Creepily Follows You Around Stores

Two engineering students in Israel have developed the ultimate shopping cart for the lazy shopper.

Science & Technology

Hold the Rocks: This Digital Stick Concept Chills Cocktails Without Ice

With this slim smart wand in your drink, you could totally chill on the ice.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

100 Engineers Are Trying to Bring Elon Musk's Hyperloop Dream to Life

Thanks to an ambitious think-tank upstart, the bold billionaire's vision for a Jetson-esque 'fifth mode of transport' is inching closer to reality.


What 3-D Printing Means for the Independent Inventor

While this technology was initially limited to R&D labs, now it's pervading almost every industry. A person with an idea can create a prototype of a product with greater ease.

Science & Technology

This Device Lets Wine Lovers Try a Sample Without Popping the Cork

Greg Lambrecht's invention is offering wine buffs a taste of what's to come.