Kedma Ough
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Stop Trying to Make Yourself Fit a Career That's Not Right For You
A new assessment tool guides users toward ventures and business models that are a more natural match for their inherent personality traits.
10 Steps to Become an Industry Expert in the Next 12 Months
It takes focus and common sense.
Use the 'FACT' Approach to Launch the Right Idea
Not sure which of your babies to kick out of the nest first? Use this method.
Partners Await Inventors Who Need Help Building Prototypes
Universities and the federal government have programs that provide more help than many inventors could otherwise dream of affording.
5 Ways to Determine Your Authentic Claim to Fame
Your elevator pitch summarizes what you're selling. Now summarize your achievements so people have the confidence to buy from you.
Low-Cost Patent Search Options for Inventors on a Budget
Inventors routinely believe they were the first to think of their great idea. They are not routinely correct.
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