Mobile Apps: Page 6

News and Trends

How This Country is Leading the Global Mobile App Market

It accounted for nearly 40 per cent of total consumer spend in 2018


Top 5 Trends Ad Intelligence to Look Forward in 2019

Ad Intelligence growth is bound to be seen in 2019


These Apps Will Aid Millennials to Combat Mental Health

While there are ample apps that to help you maintain your physical being, a trend of apps catering to mental needs is slowly emerging and expanding


These Apps Sensitize You About Rising Pollution

Deprecated situation compelled entrepreneurs to help curb menace by creating apps that apprise about pollution level

News and Trends

AR Startup Blippar Goes Into Administration Following Fall in Funding

The bad news comes less than a year after it received $37 million in Series E funding led by Candy Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures and existing investors


Let's Get Digital: How to Actualize Your Transformation to Better Serve Your Customers

A complete digital transformation of your and everyone else's industry is closer than you think. Start planning your own with these 3 steps.


Top Four Apps For Busy Entrepreneurs To Record Notes On The Go

From Bill Gates to Tim Ferris, every big entrepreneur has one quirky note-taking habit

News and Trends

Cloud Communications Company Agora Raises $70 Million To Accelerate Market Expansion

The company plans to use funds to expand its solutions and services to new markets and industry verticals


How Dinesh Patel Pivoted OrderIn Into A Successful Food Delivery App

Dinesh Patel shares everything you need to know about App development and starting a tech company in SA.


What Does The Future Holds For the Companies Developing Mobile Apps?

Here's why Developers should always keep the future and the current trends in mind in order to create a sustainable app

Growth Strategies

This App Lets India's Small Stars Broadcast Themselves & Get Millions of Views

The Beijing-domiciled app backed by NASDAQ-listed Cheetah Mobiles claims to get 100 thousand followers per day


How Progressive Web Apps Could Change the Mobile Landscape

Make a website that runs like a mobile app.


5 Meditation Apps to Help You Find Your Peace

Stressed at work? Feeling like you can't appreciate the little things in life? Meditation could help.


How You -- Yes, You! -- Can Earn Passive Income From the Apps You Create

Apps today earn money as readily as websites did in the '90s. And anyone can create them, without knowing the first thing about tech.


This Chinese AI Startup Has A Smart Solution For The Selfie Generation

SenseTime has launched a touch-up tool, powered by AI for smartphone cameras and live-streaming app that can automatically touch you up