Adam Fine


Adam Fine is the founder/CEO of TRUST, a marketing and PR company specializing in partnerships with ad agencies, tech companies, content studios and other small- to mid-sized brands.

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Business News

The Courtship Conundrum: 3 Ways to Filter Out Bad Partners

Ever heard of a 'tire kicker' outside the realm of buying a car?

Business News

Courtship 101: 4 Ways to Facilitate Strong Relationships

Dating and prospecting are different, but not all that different.

Operations & Logistics

Reporters Don't Take Orders and Other PR Truths

Getting media attention is a challenge. Dictating the result if you succeed is impossible.


8 Ways to Become Everyone's Favorite Boss

Good leadership takes more than confidence and hard work. Follow these steps to learn how to master the nuanced balancing act only the most well-liked bosses know.

Operations & Logistics

7 Ways to Determine Who on Your Team Could Speak for the Company

The ideal spokesperson is the person on your staff who is always talking positively about the company already.