Angela Ruth

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Business News

Frugal Meals That Shine When You’re Broke

In most households, food represents a significant portion of their budget. Among U.S. households, for example, food accounted for 12.8% of spending in 2022, which is third behind housing (33.3%)...

Business News

Setting Sail for Success: Charting Your Course with Medium-Term Financial Goals

It’s no secret that financial goals can be daunting. Having grand ambitions, such as paying off your mortgage or retiring early is admirable. But, at the same time, some of...

Business News

What is the 100-Envelope Challenge? A Fun Way to Save $5,050

Millions of TikTok users were captivated by the 100-envelope money-saving. There’s a good reason for that. Americans have a median savings account balance of $1,200, according to a Motley Fool...

Business News

How to Make $300 Fast: 21 Quick Financial Solutions

Sometimes, you need to find quick ways to make money, whether for an emergency car repair, an unexpected medical bill, or simply to make ends meet. This is particularly important...

Business News

Gen Z Favors Family Financial Wisdom

A recent study by Morning Brew and Generation Lab has discovered that the majority of Generation Z, currently enrolled in college, rely on their parents or family members for financial...

Business News

DIY vs. Hiring a Professional: Make the Right Choice and Save Money

About 62 million of the 135 million e-filed in the US during the 2023 tax season were self-prepared. It shows the extent to which the people in the United States...

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