Bertrand Ngampa


Bertrand Ngampa is the founder of a high-performance coaching and consulting agency. He is a best-selling author, writer, speaker, podcaster, content creator, consultant and military veteran.

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4 Ways to Combat Burnout Before It Even Starts

Burnout is the fastest way to kill your mission, vision, health, relationships and wealth. This burnout protocol is about giving you the much-needed edge to win against it.

Money & Finance

How to Normalize Massive Success and Having a Lot of Money in Your Life

The fastest way to reach massive success and having a lot of money is by normalizing it around you.

Estrategias de crecimiento

4 estrategias simples y atemporales para impulsar su alto rendimiento

Sin entrar en todos los métodos de la nueva era, algunos funcionan y otros son simplemente basura. Aquí hay una lista de cuatro estrategias atemporales para impulsar su alto rendimiento.

Growing a Business

4 Timeless, Simple Strategies to Boost Your High Performance

Without getting into all the new-age methods, some work, and some are just trash. Here's a list of four timeless strategies to boost your high performance.

Estilo de vida

3 secretos para aplastar la transformación de su salud dentro de la nueva normalidad

COVID-19 creó una nueva normalidad en la que vivimos. Sin embargo, eso no significa que tengamos que estar fuera de forma e incapaces de estar en la mejor forma.


3 Secrets To Crushing Your Health Transformation Within the New Normal

COVID-19 created a new normal we live in. However, that does not mean we have to be out shape and unable to be in the best shape.

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