Brent Misso
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How the Advice of the Past Can Save Us Now
On the 60th anniversary of Peter Drucker's business classic, its concepts are still debated along with W. Edwards Deming's quality circles.
The Bullwhip Effect and Your Supply Chain
Consider an old stock trader's approach to taming volatility.
The Data-Driven Company That Accomplished Very Little
Yet another study becomes a postponing tactic. Consider if your organization calls for additional research as a stalling maneuver or image preservation.
Ever Had a Boss Who Seemingly Thrived on Endless Chaos?
Erratic leaders, who mandate frequent deadlines but constantly change course, net few results save for finger-pointing.
When It Comes to Change, Being Small Is Enviable
Having a corporate structure can hurt the implementation of new processes.
People Must Be Valued or Innovation Will Leave With Them
Companies need to take a hard look at how they view employees, even after they find new jobs.
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