Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico is a syndicated columnist and author of several books on small business, including Small Business Survival Guide and The eBay Business Answer Book. This column is no substitute for legal, tax or financial advice, which can be furnished only by a qualified professional licensed in your state.
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Don't Let Sweat Equity Create 'Phantom Income'
How to set up an LLC without creating taxable income for your sweat-equity partner
Tapping Friends and Family for Startup Funds
Make sure you cover your bases before accepting a loan or investment from a friend or family member.
Caught in a Customer Disappearing Act
In today's economy, no one can predict how much atttition will take place.
Privacy Matters
Before You Buy That Small Business
Buying an existing business is often safer than starting one on your own. But watch out for these red flags.
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