Crystal Oculee
Crystal Oculee is the author of the No. 1 best-selling book in retirement planning, Get Your Hand Out Of My Purse! I’m Not Giving You My Money! as well as Money Confidence: Advice for Women to Take Control of Their Financial Freedom. Now. Oculee is a licensed retirement income strategist, national financial motivational speaker, CNN contributor and Personal Money Trainer™ and has been featured in Redbook and by Daily Worth, FOX, ABC, CBS, Yahoo! Finance, KFI, KTLK, KRLA, KDAR, KKLA and more.
Crystal has always worked towards empowering women by giving them the tools to help them get the results they want in a world where women are disadvantaged. Crystal is passionate about helping women deal with the unique financial challenges they face – not the “one size fits all” solutions that are typically dictated. With a deep understanding of women’s issues and a passion for change, she has taught thousands of women to take positive action in their lives, stand up for themselves, and say, “Get your hand out of my purse! I’m not giving you my money!”

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