Edward G. Brown
Edward G. Brown is the author of The Time Bandit Solution: Recovering Stolen Time You Never Knew You Had and co-founder of a culture-change management consulting and training firm for the financial services industry, Cohen Brown Management Group.
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3 Subtle Ways to Boost Your Communication IQ
Chances are you're going to have to interact with a human or two on your way to great success. Here's how to do it right.
How to Prevent Poor Communicators From Harming Your Business
Good communication is both an art and a skill. Here's how to master it.
3 Tips to Make Tax Time Less Stressful
Tax season can be a huge burden on busy entrepreneurs. Here are a few pointers on how to make the process less painful.
3 Signs You're Addicted to Interruptions
Learn how to recognize and turn around behavior that's counterproductive to completing important work.
Don't Squash Your Big Goals for the Year by Squandering Time
Learn about why resolutions so often fail but yours don't have to.
How to Concentrate When the World Intrudes
Test some of these mental-wrestling techniques and see if you can better wrap your mind around your tasks.
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