Emily Washcovick: Page 15

Small Business Expert at Yelp

As Yelp’s Small Business Expert, Emily is meticulously focused on helping local business owners succeed and grow. Her expertise lies in customer engagement, reputation management, and all things digital marketing. Through speaking engagements and thought leadership, Emily shares industry insights that entrepreneurs in any business category can leverage for the growth and well-being of their businesses. She is also the host of Behind the Review, a podcast from Yelp and Entrepreneur Media, where each episode features conversations with a business owner and a reviewer about the story and lessons behind their interactions.

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Latest: Page 15

Growing a Business

How An Above-and-Beyond Floral Experience Led to a Lifetime Customer

Nic Faitos, owner of Starbright Floral Designs, shares how making small adjustments and investing in the extras can make a big difference - especially when it comes to revenue.

Business News

A New Podcast Brought to You by Yelp and Entrepreneur Media

Behind the Review features conversations with business owners and reviewers about their experiences - whether positive or negative - giving listeners behind-the-scenes insights and real life learnings.