Eric M. Ruiz


Eric M. Ruiz is a New York-based writer from Modesto, Calif. He helped launch Waze Ads in Latin America and now focuses on exploring and writing about the differences that make us the same.

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Starting a Business

Words of Advice on Succeeding in the New Business World

Your college diploma doesn't automatically mean you can make it in the real world. Getting where you want to be is still a long learning process.

Making a Change

Pop Music, American Authors and Small Wins

Tiny victories may be fleeting, but they leave a residue of success that can change the way you approach everything after.

Growing a Business

FC Barcelona and the Development of Internal Talent

Developing homegrown talent is one sure way to grow a company of dedicated and loyal employees.

Thought Leaders

4 Business Lessons From the Legendary John Wooden

The great UCLA coach taught his championship teams that details create success.

Growing a Business

Professional Lessons Learned From Germany's 2014 World Cup Title

Creating a world-class soccer team involves a similar process for becoming a successful entrepreneur.


Sometimes Doing Nothing Is the Best Way to Move Forward

When you need to get the most work done, consider stepping back and embracing idleness.

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