Frank Wazeter


Frank Wazeter is a web developer, digital designer and columnist. He's the founder of WazFactor, a digital design studio that creates world class websites & digital designs. His designs have innovated billion dollar industries, been cited by the US Chamber of Commerce & taught in college courses.

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Science & Technology

The Horrifying Problem With the Way Web Design and Development Is Taught

Most professional feedback on how to improve your website focuses on the technical, because that's what's taught. However, until your website communicates extremely well, the technical part doesn't matter.

Social Media

What I Learned After Posting on 10 Platforms Every Day for 30 Days

An inside look into the challenges, discoveries and unexpected results that come from focusing on building an audience on social media and posting every day on every platform possible.

Redes sociales

Lo que aprendí después de publicar en 10 plataformas todos los días durante 30 días

Una mirada al interior de los desafíos, descubrimientos y resultados inesperados que surgen al enfocarse en construir una audiencia en las redes sociales y publicar todos los días en todas las plataformas posibles.

Growing a Business

The Digital Era Introduces a New Challenge That the Majority of Businesses Aren't Prepared For

As an entrepreneur, you have to embrace the role of content publisher and creator in order to remain competitive in a rapidly changing era.

Estrategias de crecimiento

La era digital presenta un nuevo desafío para el que la mayoría de las empresas no están preparadas

Como emprendedor, debe asumir el papel de editor y creador de contenido para seguir siendo competitivo en una era que cambia rápidamente.

Social Media

How Clubhouse's Concept Introduces a Powerful New Way of Marketing

We'll never approach social media, getting website traffic or digital strategy the same way again.

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