Ishan Goel


Ishan Goel is the founder of Goel Strategies, a creative and marketing agency. Goel Strategies helps companies better connect with their customers and bridges the gap between influencers and brands.

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4 trucos simples de psicología que te ayudarán a conectarte mejor con las personas a través de Zoom

Estos cuatro consejos le darán una gran ventaja en su próxima videoconferencia.

Thought Leaders

4 Simple Psychology Hacks That Will Help You Better Connect with People Over Zoom

These four tips will give you a huge edge in your next video meeting.

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9 Things Creators and Influencers Should Know Before Signing With Management

How to traverse relationships with managers - an undeveloped world that needs more formal rules and development/standards.

Redes sociales

9 cosas que los creadores e influencers deben saber antes de firmar con la gerencia

Cómo atravesar las relaciones con los gerentes: un mundo no desarrollado que necesita reglas y estándares de desarrollo más formales.

Growing a Business

8 Ways to Get Your Online Store Making Money Fast

While the opportunity to make money online is nearly infinite, sellers need to be careful in how they approach their marketing.

Growing a Business

8 Business Lessons from Rapper YBN Cordae

Focus on the fundamentals while keeping your eye on the big picture.

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