Jessica Conditt
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Facebook Has 2 Billion Monthly Users
Prepare for another personalized video of social media memories.
Apple Pledges $1 Billion to Support Manufacturing Jobs in the U.S.
'We can be the ripple in the pond,' CEO Tim Cook says.
Apple Sues Qualcomm for $1 Billion in Royalty Dispute
'For many years Qualcomm has unfairly insisted on charging royalties for technologies they have nothing to do with.'
Mark Zuckerberg Defends Oculus in Court Against VR Rival
Facebook is on the hook for $2 billion in a lawsuit against ZeniMax Media over the creation of the Oculus Rift.
Facebook Safety Check Falsely Says a Bomb Exploded in Bangkok
At first, it appeared the algorithm used unreliable and fake news sources to 'confirm' the nonexistent explosion.
Walgreens Sues Theranos for a Reported $140 Million
Walgreens was once Theranos' largest partner.
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