Josh Rovner


Josh Rovner works with all levels of small to large corporations to grow their revenues and improve their performance. He leads change and transforms businesses by communicating clearly about complex subjects, designing effective processes, and developing and coaching people.

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Thought Leaders

Worried About Your Succession Plan? Focus on Your Processes, Not Your Leaders.

Turnover is going to happen. If you are prepared, it won't hinder your success or growth.

Estrategias de crecimiento

¿Preocupado por su plan de sucesión? Concéntrese en sus procesos, no en sus líderes.

Se producirá una rotación. Si está preparado, no obstaculizará su éxito o crecimiento.

Business Plans

Why Corporate Change Management Often Fails (Hint: It's Not the People)

Four key infrastructure components must be addressed in order for change to take hold and last.