Karin Price Mueller
Karin Price Mueller is an award-winning personal finance and consumer writer, based in New Jersey. Read more of her work at www.KarinPriceMueller.com .
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Life Insurance: What to Consider As a Business Owner
Should the unthinkable happen, life insurance can protect your business--and your family.
Four Smart Places to Stash Emergency Cash
The mattress might have worked for grandpa, but better options exist for parking relatively liquid and easy-to-access funds.
4 Money-Saving Employee Benefits
The right benefits can save your company money and help keep your people happy.
Midyear Tax Check: Organize Now, Save Later
Don't let tax season catch you off guard.
Protecting Personal Finances From Business Creditors
When it comes to protecting your money, preparation is the best defense.
A Primer for Offering Retirement Benefits
How to select the right plan for your business and your employees
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