Kumar Srivastava
Kumar Srivastava has extensive experience in product innovation, design and management and has built several products and services across security, social networking, mobile apps, etc.
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5 Questions to Ask Before You Reinvent Any Product
Exactly what is "reinvention entrepreneurship"?
How My 5-Year-Old Helped Me Better Understand Customers
Immersed in their own work flow and priorities, clients might not communicate directly -- without some of these techniques.
3 Destructive Distractions That Every Entrepreneur Should Avoid
Scope creep, fragmented mindshare and disorganization are often the difference between flawless execution and spectacular flameouts.
4 Strategies for Making Your Product 'Smarter'
A fertile frontier for invention is upgrading familiar products to make them more responsive and useful.
Delight, the Awesome Product Metric That Rules Them All
Do your goods outshine the competition and instill fierce consumer loyalty?
3 Signs That Your Partner Program Is Going Belly Up
How to ensure your partner program is set up for success, rather than ending up a total dud.
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