Nicole Walters


Nicole Walters is a former top-selling corporate exec who quit her six-figure sales job in front of 10,000 people, took what she knew and built a million-dollar business in one short year. Walters is the Founder & CEO and star of She’s The Boss. All episodes of She’s The Boss are available now on and the USA Network app.

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Growing a Business

3 Pandemic-Related Lessons We Should All Remember Long After Covid Is Gone

What is the formula for success in a post-pandemic landscape?

Estrategias de crecimiento

3 lecciones relacionadas con la pandemia que todos deberíamos recordar mucho después de que Covid desaparezca

¿Cuál es la fórmula del éxito en un panorama pospandémico?

Green Entrepreneur®

Succeed by Staying Flexible in Business

Nicole Walters, CEO and founder of Inherit Learning Company, chats with Travis Montaque, CEO and founder of Holler, about staying flexible and adapting to new opportunities.

Starting a Business

Building Confidence While Building Your Business

Nicole Walters, founder and CEO of Inherit Learning Company, chats with Nicole Gibbons, founder and CEO of Clare, about overcoming self-doubt when starting a business.


How to Use Technology to Keep Your Teams Connected

Nicole Walters, CEO & Founder of Inherit Learning Company, chats with Mandy Price, CEO & Co-Founder of Kanarys, about using technology to keep your team on the same page.

Resumes & Interviewing

How to Find the Right People to Power Your Small Business

Nicole Walters, CEO and founder of Inherit Learning Company, chats with Jonathan Morris, founder of Fort Worth Barber Shop, about finding the right employees to embrace the culture of your brand.

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