Ruslan Fazlyev


Ruslan Fazlyev is the founder and CEO of Ecwid by Lightspeed, a freemium ecommerce platform powering millions of merchants, and the founder of X-Cart, a leading PHP ecommerce solution.

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Business Ideas

Don't Just Open an Online Store. Build an Ecommerce Brand

Get your power back as an entrepreneur with a diversified channel strategy.


Why E-Commerce Businesses Need to Rethink Their Channel Strategy

The growth of the e-commerce industry has resulted in the need for ever-evolving marketing strategies. Now, without a strong channel strategy, storefronts will fall behind their competitors.

Growing a Business

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Tailor Their Ecommerce Strategy for Maximum Growth

Ecommerce continues to grow. Here are three things that entrepreneurs need to do in order to find success with it.


3 formas en que los empresarios pueden adaptar su estrategia de comercio electrónico para lograr el máximo crecimiento

El comercio electrónico sigue creciendo. Aquí hay tres cosas que los empresarios deben hacer para tener éxito con él.

Business Process

This Is Why You Need to Adjust Your Ecommerce-Channel Strategy Today

Ecommerce continues to grow and thrive, but companies must adapt to find real success.


Es por eso que necesita ajustar su estrategia de canal de comercio electrónico hoy

El comercio electrónico sigue creciendo y prosperando, pero las empresas deben adaptarse para encontrar el éxito real.

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