Shereese Floyd


Shereese Floyd-Thompson is the president of StoryMakers Consulting and the founder of the StoryMakers Academy, where she teaches entrepreneurs how to turn their life experiences into powerful brand stories so that they can profit from the transformation they provide.

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Marketable Skills You Learned From Your Personal Story

Our life experiences produce transferrable skills we can use in any business scenario.


Habilidades comercializables que aprendió de su historia personal

Nuestras experiencias de vida producen habilidades transferibles que podemos utilizar en cualquier escenario empresarial.


Start Telling the Right Stories to Attract Clients

Consumers want to support entrepreneurs and businesses that take a clear stand on today's issues.

Thought Leaders

4 Ways an Entrepreneur Can Beat the Odds like Rocky Protege Adonis Creed

Creed's first fight with his nemesis Viktor Drago provides real lessons for business owners.

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How My Life as a Prisoner's Wife Made Me an Entrepreneur

This founder realized she couldn't keep waiting for "someday" to start her business.

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