Cynthia Kay

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
A small business leader for over 35 years.

Cynthia Kay is Founder of Cynthia Kay and Company, an award-winning media production company. She is an expert in small business and has worked with small business leaders across sectors, industries, and growth stages for 35+ years. She is the author of Small Business for Big Thinkers.

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Side Hustle

Can You Turn Your Side Hustle into a Business? Consider These 3 Things.

A side hustle is very different than a business. Here are three things to consider to make the transition successful.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

3 Things Small Business Can Do to Compete with Big Business for Talent

Small businesses can lure talent away from bigger organizations if they do three things that align with what job seekers want.

Growing a Business

5 Things to Consider Before You Target Big Businesses

These are five things to consider before you go after that big customer or contract.

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