Vanessa Campos

Entrepreneur Staff


Vanessa Campos is the sales and marketing director of Entrepreneur Press, Entrepreneur Media's book publishing division. She's worked with more than 50 authors and has helped launch more than 100 business books and counting. 

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Business Ideas

67 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Need new inspiration for a business you can start with $10,000? Here are more than 60 profitable business ideas you can run with now.

Growing a Business

Book of the Week: 'Total Alignment'

Take your business to a whole new level of effectiveness with strategic alignment.


Book of the Week: 'The New Employee Manual'

A no-holds-barred look guide for anyone looking to conquer the corporate world.

Growing a Business

Book of the Week: 'The Hero Factor'

A business is only as strong as its company culture.

Starting a Business

Book of the Week: 'Simplify'

Take your business from startup to game-changer.

Growing a Business

Book of the Week: 'The Direct Mail Revolution'

Create direct-mail marketing campaigns that can earn you an ROI as high as 1,300 percent.

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