Wendy Frink


Wendy Frink is the social media editor for Entrepreneur.com.

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Social Media

We Asked, You Answered: Your Thoughts on a 'Period Policy'

Not everyone thinks women should get time off for a painful menstrual cycle.

Social Media

Rejoice! Instagram Has Finally Made Toggling Between Accounts a Thing

Users with multiple accounts are stoked.

Social Media

What Was Your Worst Job?

We asked you to tell us about the jobs you hated most -- and you didn't disappoint.

Social Media

You Can Now Schedule Instagram Posts Through Hootsuite -- But There's a Catch

While posts can be typed and scheduled through the web-based dashboard, you'll still need your mobile phone to push the post out.

Social Media

The Best Time to Tweet

Lunchtime may be the most popular time to tweet, but it isn't always the right time to tweet.

Social Media

Have Some Words of Wisdom? Share Your #GoodAdviceIn4Words.

Sometimes the best advice is absurdly succinct.

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