William Ballard
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The Billion-Dollar Shipping Empires financing Putin's War Efforts
Recently, the widow of the legendary Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny addressed the European Parliament saying, 'If you really want to defeat Putin, you have to become an innovator'.
The Fallacy of Multitasking
Ever tried to wash dishes and clothes at the same time? Multitasking in the entrepreneurial realm is a bit like that.
How to Apply the 'Law of Accumulation' to Your Business and Your Life
Small things lead to bigger things. The little problems we neglect and the budding opportunities we nurture have enormous ramifications.
2 Principles That Will Change the Life of Your Business
Whatever your business, Integrity and service are your best offerings.
The 5 Irrefutable Principles of Selling
The more you are willing to give, the less you will need to "sell.''
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