Zach Cutler


Zach Cutler is an entrepreneur and founder and CEO of Cutler PR, a tech PR agency in New York and Tel Aviv. An avid tech enthusiast and angel investor, Cutler specializes in crafting social and traditional PR campaigns to help tech startups thrive.

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5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Worldwide Can Learn From Israeli Culture

Lesson 1 in the "Startup Nation"? Lemons can always be turned into lemonade.


6 Mistakes to Avoid When You Make a Promotional Video

Video's job isn't to educate; it's to initiate a personal connection or start a conversation with the customer.


3 Steps to Building Your Own Successful and Engaged Business Network

The right introductions can catapult a startup to a well-funded machine. So what are you waiting for? Start your own group.

Operations & Logistics

How Your Public Relations Effort Should Look Like a Military Assault

Content marketing is your "troops on the ground." Your PR "air cover" provides those troops with third-party credibility.

Growing a Business

Why Every Descent Is Followed By An Ascent

Success doesn't happen despite the challenges but mainly because of them.

Starting a Business

5 Takeaways from G-Startup's Tech Olympics

Innovation comes from everywhere, and that could include Jakarta, Sao Paulo and Beijing.