Weekend Warrior Want to begin your business part time on weekends? These tips will keep you from running ragged.
First, evaluate your other time commitments. Do you have toshuttle your kids to Little League every Saturday? Do you use theweekend to visit your parents or run errands? Make sure you'reready to fit a business into your weekend hours.
Make sure you continually check in with your spouse and kids tomake sure resentments don't build. Focus on the positive; talkabout how you expect this to soon be a full-time business.
Remember, it's the weekend: You must make some time to begood to yourself. Sleep in an extra hour or treat yourself to aspecial meal, a movie or a ballgame every once in a while. If youdon't, you'll soon resent your weekend business.
Excerpted fromGet Smart: 365 Tips To Boost YourEntrepreneurial IQ