Create G.U.T.S.Y Fliers Reach new audiences with a flier inserted in a newspaper.
A great way to spread your message is to develop a flier for theitem or event you want to promote. Contact a local newspaper tolearn about the cost for insertion. Your flier will reach manylocal parties who may be interested in your product or service. Tonote the response the flier generates, urge your audience to takeaction by registering for your event on your Web site, or have themcall your business and indicate when an where they saw thenotice.
Craig W.Campana teaches G.U.T.S.Y. marketing strategies for smallbusinesses and hosts a weekly teleconference call for marketers(Tuesdays at 4 p.m. EST). Register to participate or pick up a copyof his 101 G.U.T.S.Y. Grabbers at