Tim Cook Probably Won't Be Apple CEO By 2031. (Also, He's Never Met Elon Musk.) In a podcast interview with the 'New York Times,' Steve Jobs' successor says 10 more years at the helm may be a hard ask.
By Kenny Herzog Edited by Frances Dodds
Any good journalist knows to end an interview with a compelling kicker question, i.e. a final back-and-forth that offers some kind of conclusive catnip other content providers can pick up on as headline fodder. Veteran tech-biz journalist Kara Swisher abides in her brand-new chat with Apple CEO Tim Cook for her New York Times Q&A podcast, Sway.
The two talked at length about everything from being an LGBTQ leader and the consequences of taking political positions to the fact that, while he has "great admiration and respect" for Elon Musk, the two have never spoken. But the most tantalizing bit was saved for last, when Swisher asked Cook — apropos of nothing — "Are you going to be at Apple 10 more years?"
The 60-year-old exec pointedly replied. "Probably not. But I can tell you that I feel great right now. And the date's not in sight. But 10 more years is a long time." Though, when pressed on what might come next in his life, he added, "I don't have a clue, because I love this company so much that it's hard to imagine my life without it."
Same, Tim. Same.