To Market, To Market Don't let your inspiration wither away. Find out how to take a concept and turn it into a saleable product that consumers crave.
So you've followed through on your big idea for the next great product. Now what? How does one person take his idea from concept to fruition? It's not easy, but it's not rocket science, either. Our experts have some thoughts on the matter. Read what they have to say. Maybe you'll find your product on retail shelves everywhere in the near future.
5 Steps for Turning Your Idea Into a Product
By Sarah Pierce
Got a great idea for an invention but not sure what to do with it? Turn your dream into a marketable product with these easy steps.
What's the Big Idea?
By Tamara Monosoff
With the right knowledge, a little luck and a lot of perseverance, you, too, can turn your big idea into a million-dollar business.
Taking Your New Product to Market
By Gwen Moran and Nichole L. Torres
Start small and create a timeline for taking your product to national distribution.