Mobile Foot Massage Service

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

It is a proven medical fact that foot problems that are not corrected early can result in additional medical problems later down the road. And this creates terrific opportunity for the budding entrepreneur to capitalize by starting a mobile foot massage service. The target market for a mobile foot massage service is obvious: people who spend a lot of time on their feet. In the spirit of being unique, consider the following method of marketing to gain new clients and generate business revenue: Prepare a full marketing presentation that highlights all the benefits of foot massages, such as happier workers equals increased productivity. Once the marketing presentation is complete, set up proposal meetings with mid- to large-size companies in your community that have employees who are on their feet for most of the day. The pitch to the business owner of why he or she should consider starting a foot massage program for workers will of course be the increased productivity and the possibility of fewer missed work days as a result of foot-related health problems. Once established, an income level of $30 per hour or more should not prove difficult to achieve.

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