Dr. Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan


Dr. Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan is an Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD), and the UOWD MBA Program Director. Dr Balakrishnan’s research interests include branding, destination marketing, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. As founder and President of the Academy of International Business MENA Chapter, Dr. Balakrishnan has organized five international conferences, bringing together over 300 participants from across the region to discuss business issues. She has 16 years of industry and education experience, beginning her career at Citibank India and spending over eight years in marketing in India, including a stint setting up a division in Eureka Forbes Ltd. She is curhttps://twitter.com/melodenarently researching into the business stages facing social entrepreneurs or organizations who have a strong embedded purpose their business model. If you are one such entrepreneur and would like to participate in her research, visit here.


Growth Strategies

How Your Business Can Carry Out Social Innovation (And Become A Force For Good)

The main thing for companies to recognize at this stage it that you can have a tremendous impact on the world by the message you are sending out. Are you inclusive? Do you live your values? What matters most: profits or people?

Growth Strategies

The How-To: Scaling Social Enterprise Ventures

The world needs social entrepreneurs, and social entrepreneurs need funds!


Five Tips For Building Your Startup's Brand Strategy

The company brand is your personal calling card- it can stay with you forever.


The Roadmap For Building A Business With Heart

A business with heart need not be a large corporation with a strong CSR outreach program; it can be a startup that has an embedded purpose to do good.

Growth Strategies

Hope, Optimism and Resiliency: The Three Most Powerful Leadership Tools You Can Have As An Entrepreneur

A study of leaders in high technology startups and established firms found that the traits of hope, optimism, and resiliency had a direct impact on transformational leadership, which directly impacted firm performance.

Starting a Business

Eight Steps To Create An Entrepreneurial Roadmap For Your Venture

Many entrepreneurs "fall" into a venture, and before you know it, they find themselves frantically both building and learning about a business at the same time.

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