10 Things To Expect At Google's City Of The Future: Project Sidewalk
Sidewalk Labs, the Alphabet company of 100 people that is taking on this project, was built with the aim of improving city life using Google's technology research.
Six Valuable Points I Learned From My Mentor
You meet a lot of people that teach you lessons about things in life, and it's plausible to say that you can learn something new from every person that ever crosses your path. So what gives a mentor that title? What sets them apart from the pack?
Ten Technology Trends That (Might) Change Our World In 2016
The beautiful (and perhaps even intimidating) spectrum of technology is still unfolding, and 2016 is a crucial turning point on many levels.
"Make It Happen." Nicolas Sehnaoui Talks Digital, Development And Lebanese 'Treps
The future of Lebanon resides in the minds and hearts of young tech entrepreneurs, says the former Lebanese Minister of Telecommunications.
Entrepreneurs Lebnan And Arz Nader Get You Downloading
Game Cooks was founded with the main objective of building games that have culturally relevant plots and elements that users from this region could relate to.
The Rise, Evolution And Future Of Branded Mobile Application Marketing In MENA
Born Interactive CEO Fadi Sabbagha talks about the growth and importance of mobile and m-commerce in the MENA region.
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