Amit Damani


When not having quintessential talks on anything entrepreneurial, Amit Damani, Co-founder, Vista Rooms runs the fastest growing online aggregator for budget hotels in India. He is discerned to be an avid reader and a walking talking encyclopedia of sorts for Marketing. When he gets tired of doing all of this he likes to sleep.



Technology is Doing Wonders For The New-age Travellers

Technology is taking travel and tourism out of the rarefied cloisters it once inhabited and helping it reach more people than ever before

Growth Strategies

7 Lessons Every Startup Can Learn from Shark Tank

For entrepreneurs, there is a lot one could learn from Shark Tank episodes, and some of them ring true.

Growth Strategies

Bootstrap Mentality: Key Ingredient for Startup Success

Here are some suggestions on how to maintain a bootstrap mentality while running your organization.


17 women entrepreneurs that stood out in 2015

As the year ends, let's take a look at some of the best women entrepreneurs who made us sit up and take notice in 2015…


The Good, Bad & Ugly of Indian Startup Ecosystem in 2015

In 2016, the startup world will continue to thrive with new entrepreneurs and investors emerging.

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