Sanchari Ghosh


Senior Copy Editor, Entrepreneur



#3 Books That Helped This Entrepreneur Predict Market Direction

Nikhil prefers reading on behavioral finance, analyzing mass psychology and human sentiments.

Growth Strategies

From Private Equity To Beauty Business, This Entrepreneur Has Focused on Growth

Apart from offline channels, this company's marketing team is aggressively promoting products online


Business in Transit Mode

Staying productive on the road - while navigating unfamiliar destinations, carrying heavy luggage, and dealing with delays and inconveniences - can be a major challenge.

Growth Strategies

Fighting the 'Make In India' Battle

People gathered at the cross roads and burnt imported clothes and picketed shops selling foreign goods.


These #3 Spiritual Gurus are Guide to Living for Entrepreneurs

But, at certain situations we find it difficult to withdraw positivity from within.


#5 Money Management Tips for Small businesses

Although you are taking out a small business loan, your personal credit record is a reflection of how you will run your business.

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