Shivakumar Ganesan
At the young age of 34, Shivakumar Ganesan, CEO, Exotel, is heading Exotel which he founded in 2011. The man who is disrupting traditional telecom with cloud telephony application services, Ganesan wants to break up telecom into components and give the power of communication back to organizations.
An Ode to All the Dreamers Who Became Doers with Technology
Make maximum use of the technology that you already have and the sky will be the limit of your growth
How Exotel's Founder Engrosses into Quality Content When In Rush
Despite being a slow reader, Shivakumar Ganesan indulges in pleasurable reading
#8 Cardinal Rules to Build Profitable Start-up - Retrospective Account
To succeed as a business, founding members need to decide on their vision and mission for the company
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