Indian Govt. Rejects Apple's Refurbished Store Idea: Here Are Alternatives The refurbished goods market has not taken off as well as it should have, despite selling original products with guarantees at half the rates, why?
By Rustam Singh
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For the very first time ever since it's grand launch, Apple's iPhones have marked a steep downfall of its newly launched products. Perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that this time around Apple hasn't even done the customary two typical changes and yet get away calling it "revolutionary" – barely any noticeable speed change and fractional improvements in the camera. In order to meet the expected profits in millions of dollars, Apple has tried to repeal to developing countries markets, where even the iPhone C and iPhone 6SE, which are designed to keep the price low enough for a middle ground consumer are still ridiculously high for Indian markets. Enter refurbished Apple products at prices that can be as low as 50%, with a full guarantee by Apple and visibly and functionally as good as new.
Sadly, the Indian government did not want a healthy competition between Indian smart phone makers and Apple and thus turned down the idea. Apple's rivals have been repeatedly trying to oppose the idea citing that it defeats the whole idea of make in India, because prices and brand loyalty as good as Apple's forces people to chose iPhones instead. But the refurbished industry is a brilliant concept in itself that needs more attention than it currently gets. Here's everything you'd want to know about it:
What are refurbished goods?
Goods returned to the manufacturer or vendors for various reasons are called refurbished goods. They are tested for functionality and defeats before being sold ahead. Other words for refurbished goods include "used", "reconditioned", "remanufactured", "refreshed", "recycled", "repaired", "recertified", or "like new".
Why are these goods returned if they're not defective?
Refurbished goods are different from those owned by users and sold again. These goods are returned for several reasons including:
- Goods used in field tests, sales displays or demonstrations
- Goods returned for reasons other than defect and tested by the manufacturer
- Items returned because the box or item was damaged in shipping or handling
- Previously leased units that are turned in and resold after the lease ends
- Used electronics that have been turned in to an electronic recycling program
- Used items that have been donated to a charity or non-profit organization
How are they cheaper?
Because of the sheer phobia to not use a "used" product before, customers reject the idea of using a refurbished product. Since this dissociates the product from the consumer, they will try to sell the product back with prices than can be as low as 50% of the original cost, but in all aspects of functionality as well as handling, the product is as good as new and often even backs with a guarantee.
Should you consider a refurbished good or a second hand good?
Definitely prefer a refurbished good over a pre-owned good any day! Refurbished goods are significantly different from previously owned goods any day, and often even come with a guarantee. They are handled, processed and sold by manufacturers, not private consumers. You never know what internal problem is hidden or masked in a second hand good but everything is visible in a refurbished one.
There are several online portals in India to try refurbished goods, including,, and so many more to try out. What's your experience been with refurbished goods? Let us know in the comments on our official Facebook page Entrepreneur India