The One Thing Standing in the Way of Your Success The finance expert discusses how achieving your goals comes down to how you think.
By Jeff Rose
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Jeff Rose talks about what it takes to achieve huge, audacious goals. He stresses how a mentality of living in fear is the surest way not to meet success.
In order to combat this fearful mindset, Rose explains you should not always assume the worst. Do not always tell yourself competitors will sweep in to steal your business or that the stock market will crash. By constantly convincing yourself your worst fears will become a reality, you may manifest such fears.
Instead, Rose recommends thinking about your worst fear, then imagining if it became reality. If the end result is not that earth-shattering, consider taking the plunge and simply going for it anyway.
Click the video to hear more.
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