Real Leaders Don't Listen to Others -- They Make Their Own Destiny If you can understand for yourself where you come from and where you want to go, you can make the most of your present.
By Gerard Adams
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In the third season finale of Leaders Create Leaders, Entrepreneur Network partner Gerard Adams wants to give you the sort of motivation that can carry you through until Season 4. In it, he urges millennials and all leaders to separate themselves from the distractions, fears and beliefs we often hold so closely.
Adams believes there is power in understanding things for yourself, not just because someone else told you, and he wants you to discover your own truth that can set you on your own path toward success.
Click play to learn more and get inspired.
See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam's YouTube channel.
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See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam's YouTube channel.