The Surprisingly Practical Career Advice From a DJ That You Need to Hear Scott Keeney (DJ Skee) does a lot more than turn tables.
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We all know the stereotype of a DJ -- the laid back, happy-go-lucky underachiever who would rather spin tracks at 4 in the morning than work a regular 9 to 5.
But, while Scott Keeney (DJ Skee) has his fair share of DJ cred, he's a businessman first. He knows how to climb the ladder because he's done it, going from a high school kid with his own radio station to the founder of Dash Radio.
In this video, Business Rockstars sits down with Keeney to get his tips on networking and following your dream.
Click play to learn more.
Related: Why It's Actually Good If You Don't Know What You're Doing
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