Start Learning Financial Math With This 8-Course Training Bundle Learn pre-calculus, number theory, graph theory, and more.
By Entrepreneur Store Edited by Jason Fell
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Some math is more important than other math. Arithmetic may have seemed like a chore when you were a kid, but there's no denying it has been extremely useful in life. Geometry, on the other hand, may not have been quite so useful. But if you gave up on learning anything new about math years ago, think again. Any aspiring entrepreneur needs to have some capacity for mathematics when trying to grow a business.
Need a refresher? Check out The Mastering Discrete & Financial Mathematics Bundle.
This comprehensive, eight-course bundle comprises some of the most important math skills you need to thrive in the business and financial worlds. You'll take deep dives into pre-calculus, graph theory, number theory, and much more to gain a financial edge on competitors.
You'll delve into a wide variety of calculations and related concepts used by financial market experts to do things like calculate prices, rates of return, and yields. You'll explore discrete mathematics, understanding the fundamentals and theories that make up the core of computer science. Topics like sets, logic, proofs, functions, relations, statistics, and combinatorics will give you the kind of math skill set that's truly valuable in the real world.
Finally, you'll jump into data science, one of today's most important business topics. You'll discuss data, foundational concepts, and programming languages for interpreting data, delving specifically into R, one of the premier programming languages for statistical and data analysis.
Learn the financial mathematics you need to get an edge on the competition. The Mastering Discrete & Financial Mathematics Bundle is on sale now for just $34.99.