3 Social Media Tips You Can Learn From 'The Price Is Right' What the long-running game show can teach us about asking good questions and standing out.
By Carol Roth
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

By now, everyone should know that businesses need to use social media to be successful. But, it's not enough to simply use your social media accounts -- you need to use them wisely. And, since it's always been my dream to be a game show host, I've derived inspiration on social media usage from one of the ultimate game shows, The Price Is Right. So, "come on down" and follow this advice!
1. Ask questions.
Whenever a contestant needs a little help, The Price Is Right studio audience is always more than willing to chime in with their bid suggestions. It works in social media, too: A great way to build up your social media following, create a deeper relationship with your community and get valuable feedback is to ask questions. I've gotten some really great introductions, recommendations and insight just by asking this way.
But, just like when the loudest studio audience member shouts "One dollar!" -- when another contestant has already made a two dollar bid -- use your discretion and beware of the vocal minority. Make sure your loudest followers have leads and suggestions that are actually worth following!
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2. Stand out.
If you want to get picked as a contestant, you have to stand out. There are all sorts of strategies to get yourself noticed, but visual strategies seem to work the best. That's why you see so many people on the show wearing over-the-top costumes or shirts with clever phrases on them or jumping and screaming with the most energy possible.
So, do the same with your social media accounts. Use visuals to stand out. Posts that incorporate pictures have a much higher chance of being liked, shared and clicked, so make sure to include stand-out images that appeal to your target customers and clients (When in doubt, nothing works better than puppies and kittens!). Include clever or inspiring text on your image to really get attention. Employ this strategy correctly and you'll be on your way to contestants' row!
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3. Proper placement is key.
Even though, in reality, it follows the bell curve, many people believe that where you place your chip in the popular game Plinko matters.
But, proper placement and patterns really are key in social media posting.
Figure out the right social media placements that will land you directly in front of your target customers. Seek out influencers and celebrities that your ideal customer base trusts and will be following. Sometimes, just liking or re-tweeting them, paying them a compliment or giving a simple shout-out will be enough to garner the attention of the influencer and maybe even their entire community.
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Also, find hot topics, news stories or trends that your target audience will be paying attention to and figure out clever, authentic ways to attach your posts to those, too. But, just like in Cliffhangers, if your posts miss the mark, you may fall off the social media mountain, so be careful not to overdo it and turn off potential customers!
And remember: Just like in the Pathfinder game, backtracking is not allowed. Once you post something, it will live online forever, so even if you try to delete it, it's never really gone. It's always a good idea to run your posts by a second, more objective party, just to make sure that it's appropriate and won't be misconstrued in a way that you are uncomfortable with.
Follow these social media tips and your business will definitely hit a Hole in One (or Two)!