By Landing One Major Client, This Toronto Startup Found Dramatic Success This software-as-a-service company found its footing by spreading its name and remaining resilient.
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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner, Mars Discovery District interviews the CEO of Horizn to hear about the company's development.
Horizn, which offers a SaaS product that allows financial institutions quickly adopt mobile formats, is based in Toronto, Canada. Janice Diner, Horizn's CEO and founding member, talks about moving among different international hubs to find just the right client -- a large, global bank -- for their company. After Horizn landed a major bank, as well as expanded their speaking and networking efforts, the company began to take off. In time, the company had signed on many financial institutions, including Key Bank and U.S. Bank.
As Diner explains, you will not always know if you are going to be right, but you've got to run with it and hope for the best.
Click the video to hear more.
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