How This Inventive Software Company Refocused Its Mission -- And Then Found Its Star Investor Flixel, the company behind the cinemagraph, knew that eventually its original product would lead the business to success.
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In this video from Entrepreneur partner MaRS Discovery District, Phillipe LeBlanc, the CEO of Flixel, talks about how he keeps tabs on his company's success.
The company originally positioned its unique product, the cinemagraph (a hybrid of a video and a photograph) as a possible competitor to Instagram for creatives. Eventually, the product caught on with marketers and advertisers, who used the graphic to add an interesting element to their ad campaigns. Flixel found its reason to pivot from this opportunity, forcing the business to realign its mission to investors, as well. Eventually an investor swooped in and took the software company to new heights.
As LeBlanc puts it, miracles can happen, but you have to stay in the game to witness them.
Click the video to learn more.
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