Connecting with Customers: Page 3

Growth Strategies

Lessons from Relationships and Marriage in Developing a Customer Experience Strategy

What is the strategy that brands can look at to offer a superior experience? A key approach is the omnichannel one

Growth Strategies

What To Do If Customers Aren't Buying Your Product

The trick is to find that subset of customers who are eager to buy your product or service, make it easy for them to buy, and easy to tell others about it

Starting a Business

Don't Let These 3 Threats Kill Your Startup's Mission in Its First 5 Years

The first five years can be brutal, but sticking to your mission -- the reason why you started -- is the way to go. Do that by avoiding these pitfalls.


How to Upsell Customers This Holiday Season: 3 Tips

Upselling is an art, and if you want to do it successfully, you have to learn a few new strategies.


It's Election Day! But in This Age of Media Distrust, How Can Businesses Win People Over?

Show, don't tell, how you've got your customers' best interests at heart.


Understanding and Grabbing The Attention of Today's Millennial Customers

When a brand consistently delivers unmatched products and services, it lays the footing for a long-standing relationship, thereby ensuring repeat purchases


The More You Talk, the Less They Listen

To stand out, say less.

Growing a Business

Sparking Social Media Buzz Is How You Drive Ecommerce Sales

Getting your customers to talk with your company and about it on social media benefits a business in many ways.

Growth Strategies

CCM: When Customers are the Ringmaster, How Should the Company Act

Ignoring customer care is not an option any more

Growing a Business

When the Customer Fixates on Price It's Probably Not About the Money

Customers often talk cost when they have vague concerns about the product. Your job is to find out and solve the real problem.

Growing a Business

The Founder of Tough Mudder Explains How the Company Expanded Its Loyal Fan base

The popular race company had a problem: It needed to change, without upsetting its loyal fans.

Thought Leaders

How to Stand Out From the Crowd and Cultivate Passionate Fans

Treat your customers like friends: Give them something for free. With that mindset, you'll shine.


Emotional Connectivity: The Secret to Million-Dollar Marketing Success

Give your customers helpful information to drive their decision-making, and they'll give you their business -- and their loyalty.


5 Places to Use Storytelling in Your Marketing to Drive Sales

Humans are wired for story. The customers you attract that way bring their trust and loyalty, causing you to live happily every after.

Growing a Business

3 Steps to Increase Your Average Revenue Per Customer

When an auto-body shop sent a "thank you" to a customer, he posted it on Reddit, resulting in upvotes from 1,500 potential customers.