Connecting with Customers: Page 4

Growing a Business

When You're Comfortable With Your Prices It's Time to Start Charging More

Raising prices is raising the bar on the value you will deliver to the people you're asking to pay you.

Business News

Don't Mistake Lack of Response for Lack of Respect

The flipside of having so much contact with people through email and social media is that we feel more offended when we don't get a response.

Social Media

Tweet Them Right: 3 Steps to Increasing Customer Loyalty Via Twitter

A little blue birdie can offer great opportunities to interact with and retain customers.

Business News

Brand Managers Ignore 80 Percent of Complaints on Twitter

U.S. companies are under the global average for responding to consumers' questions and concerns on social media, a new report says.


From Bedtime to the Boardroom: Why Storytelling Matters in Business

These innovators are connecting with consumers, colleagues and investors on an emotional level.

Growing a Business

What Artisanal Brands Can Teach Us About Using Technology to Humanize Business

In an increasingly automated world of interconnected everything, consumers may turn to customized products that they can emotionally connect with.

Growing a Business

What to Do When a Prospect Is Blowing You Off

If we're going to succeed as entrepreneurs, it's essential to figure out what's going on, address her concerns and either make a deal or cut your losses.


Be Memorable By Creating Your Own Personal Connection Story

Personal connection stories are a great way to make a good first impression and create a solid foundation for a new relationship.

Business Process

6 Tips for How to Sell More in Less Time

Don't waste hours on a project or prospect unlikely to produce returns.

Business News

10 Tips to Find and Win the Best Clients

The keys to bringing in the business that is most beneficial is to know whom you are looking for and what they are looking for.

Growing a Business

Lessons From a Country Music Duo to Make Your Business 'Big & Rich'

Professional musicians give inspiring performances. Successful entrepreneurs do the same thing.


If You Want to Build Good Relationships, Stop Hiding Behind Your Email

If you're working through touchy subjects, in-person is better than the inbox.


Too Much Social Media Can Drive Away Your Customers

Your audience won't tire of quality content but the key word is "quality.''


Find the Courage and Ask Some Clients How Your Company Can Improve

To get a clear picture of what you're doing well and what you can do better, skip the big data and high-rent consultants. Your customers will tell you, if you just ask.