DEI: Page 4


Is Diversity Work Actually Helping or Hurting Businesses? The Answer Is Complex.

DEI work continues to polarize the workforce into two sides — pro-DEI and anti-DEI — yet most people are in the middle. Let's illustrate how DEI can unite or divide organizations by tapping into the following three proven strategies.


Do You Have an 'Inclusion Delusion?' Here's How a Lack of Inclusivity Can Create a Toxic Culture

Here's what happens when your work culture lacks inclusivity — along with some tips on how to be a truly inclusive leader.


Are You a Performative Ally? Here Are the Signs.

True allies don't just say they're committed to diversity and inclusion — they show it. Here's how you can spot a genuine ally vs. a performative one.


5 Qualities of Black Excellence Overlooked in the Workplace

Now is the time for conventional, white and eurocentric workplaces to finally recognize the unique qualities that come from Black culture and lift up employees who exemplify these qualities.


6 Ways to Celebrate Black History Month and Be a Better Ally in the Workforce Beyond February

An authentic celebration of Black heritage throughout the year can help companies foster understanding and empathy among coworkers from different backgrounds. Such a celebration also allows employees to learn more about their colleagues' experiences, which promotes a deeper sense of community and understanding. How to be a Better Ally in the Workplace During Black History Month — and Beyond.


Diversity Is Not the Same to Everyone. Here's Why That Matters

If companies want to reap the benefits of diversity in its truest form, it's time to consider diversifying it.


Diversity Is Broader Than Just Race and Gender. This Is the Often-Overlooked Piece of the Puzzle.

By including this essential piece of the overall diversity, equity and inclusion conversation, you bring more human experiences and potential allies into the work.


Not Where You Want to Be with Diversity and Inclusion? Consider a Bite-Sized Approach.

Starting with a bite-sized approach is the key to authentically weaving diversity, equity and inclusion into the culture of your business, rather than implementing one-off DEI initiatives. Here's why.


10 Ideas to Drive Your DEI Initiatives in 2023

DEI is a long game — one that requires nudges along the way. By continuing to emphasize the importance and commitment to DEI in 2023, organizations can achieve more. Here's how.


The 3 C's That Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Can Teach Us Today To Advance Workplace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

What can Martin Luther King Jr. teach us today — even in the face of resistance? Entrepreneurs can use what I call the "three C's" — guiding principles Dr. King lived by which can assist us in our work toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).


4 Commitments All Truly Inclusive Leaders Must Follow

2022 was the first year of DEI Accountability for inclusive leaders. Our future will be filled with increasing expectations from employees, customers and business partners, looking for us to step up and courageously respond to societal needs and problems across human differences.


Having Trouble Recruiting Diverse Talents? Examine These 5 Areas to Improve Your Talent Pipeline.

If your organization is facing a pipeline problem in regard to hiring more diverse talents, it is essential that you take the corrective steps to fix this issue as a pipeline problem is a symptom of areas that need work in the organization. Here's how to help you troubleshoot what might be causing the pipeline problem.

Growing a Business

'No One Believed' This Black Founder Was the Owner of a Liquor Brand in 2012. He Launched to Great Acclaim — Then Lost It All. Here's How He Made a Multi-Million-Dollar Comeback.

Jackie Summers, founder of Jack From Brooklyn, Inc. and Sorel Liqueur, has a big story to tell — and it begins thousands of years ago.


Women Are Being Pushed Out Of The Workforce, and It's Time Employers Do Something About It. Here's How.

How can employers better support the women who work for them?


6 Ways You Could Be Committing 'Time Theft' Against Your Minority Employees

The traditional definition of time theft is related to the modern "quiet quitting" movement in that it puts the focus of bad behavior on employees who "steal" time from businesses. But have you considered the myriad of ways employers steal time from employees?