

You Need Constructive Feedback From Your Employees — Here's How to Make Sure They Feel Safe Enough to Provide It.

To grow and nurture an agile and adaptable company, you have to encourage a constant flow of constructive insights.


Tough Feedback Can Really Sting. Here's How to Take It With Grace and Turn It Into Power.

When we receive tough feedback, our first inclination is usually to recoil. But, if you follow these five steps, you'll enjoy receiving critical feedback more than ever before.

Growing a Business

How to Use Customer Feedback to Unlock Growth and Loyalty in 2024 and Beyond

As businesses set new goals and standards for themselves in the new year, they should place extra emphasis on retaining customers and acting upon the valuable feedback they receive.


How to Transform Your Management and Leadership Style With 360 Reviews

The potential impact that a 360 review has on an organization depends on the quality of the feedback and the insights it provides.

Growing a Business

You Need Trust Among All Your Stakeholders to Scale Successfully — Here Are 3 Ways to Build It.

You can have great people doing great work, but if there's a lack of trust throughout the organization at any level, you'll never scale. Here's how to foster that trust among all your stakeholders.


How to Teach Your Employees to Set Boundaries Instead of Always Being 'On'

Always being available, responding right away to emails and saying "yes" to everything have been long-time behaviors cherished in corporate America, yet these behaviors are not helpful for the overwhelming majority of today's workforce — especially for those that are caregivers, those with disabilities or those who are underrepresented in organizations. Here are three strategies to reward actual work over responsiveness, leading to higher engagement and retention.

Business News

How to Give Constructive Feedback That Actually Empowers Others

Learn how feedback can transform even negative situations into opportunities for growth-characterize feedback as a catalyst for progress.

Starting a Business

Why Creating a Culture of Feedback is Vital to Business Survival

Startups operate in a constantly evolving environment where adapting and improving are essential. Feedback is an important tool for startups to achieve this. It helps increase productivity, improve decision-making and create stronger teams in a fast-paced environment.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Open vs. Anonymous Employee Feedback — Which is Better?

Continuous feedback has been a cornerstone of organizational performance for many years, but recent trends around remote working have made feedback culture more important than ever for company cohesion and success.

Growing a Business

How to Handle Negative Feedback Before It Handles You

As leaders, we all get negative feedback — it's what we do with it that matters.


How to Handle Rejection at Different Stages of Your Career and Business

We all face rejection at some point in life. Here's how to cope with it and learn from it.

Growing a Business

If Your Leadership Style Is Ever Judged By Others, Here's 8 Things You Should Do

How to short-circuit defensiveness and resentment and instead accept and apply tough input for the betterment of your company, and yourself.


The Market is Evolving, Your Marketing Strategy Should Too

The world is changing quickly, and so is the overall marketplace. Here are three fundamental tenets to ensure companies can evolve alongside their market and succeed in their business efforts.


Are You Asking for Employee Feedback? If Not, Good Luck With Retention.

In a survey that Franchise Business Review conducted, over half of industry leaders admitted to never getting formal feedback from their teams. That's a giant missed opportunity for retaining talent.


The Most Effective 4-Step Feedback System for Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Use this feedback system with your teams and clients, and watch your productivity soar.